Britain in 2007. A Portrait a Day from photographers around the country

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Flood! Catcliffe residents

All our thoughts this week are with the people of South Yorkshire, we hope everyone makes it through the flood with themselves and their worldly posessions (or whatever matters to them) intact.

Flickr is a great tool for citizen reporting, as are the rise in the number of peopel with good quality digital equipment. It's more interesting to see these shots of local residents then the press stuff in the media channels, particularly these days of "sanitised" media who retell their story and ignore everything else.

My first street portrait

My first street portrait, originally uploaded by Eliza Beth.

Asking to take a stranger's photo is a daunting task, but often you get to meet interesting haracters, meet someone from a different walk of life, and hear stories about your area or things you never knew.

And then other times you see an interesting face, and asking rewards you with a terrific portrait like this one.

e n g l i s h _ g e n t

e n g l i s h _ g e n t, originally uploaded by twill27.

It's wedding season isn't it (despite the weather), out come the suits and ties and raise a glass for the bride and groom. lovely involved sympathetic portrait.


1, originally uploaded by frunt.

great light, moody pose from a stylish lady.


IMG_3870, originally uploaded by soeasy.

lovely low twilight light, perfect for skin tones and portraits.

this shot is on the South bank in London, and excellently protray sa sense of movement from the couple enjoying an early evening dance.

Vegan Muscle

Vegan Muscle, originally uploaded by Tony Browne.

A vegan weightlifter. An interesting lifestyle choice and he looks well on it!


Skateboarding, originally uploaded by éric.

fantastic action shot! bring back the blue skies, it's about time we all head out and enjoy the beach.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

After Vermeer

After Vermeer, originally uploaded by Trois Têtes (TT).

a wonderful modern image after one of my favuourite paintings by Vermeer, a master of the use of light - as is this shot from Gareth.

There's another photographic take o this painting from Tom Hunter - it's my favourite photo - I'll do the link later.


Tropical, originally uploaded by Trois Têtes (TT).

fabulously sharp, keep an eye out for street level fish near you!

Sheila . . .

Sheila . . ., originally uploaded by tommy forbes.

Camera shy but still looking fabulous! love the positioning and composition in this photo.

Suited & Booted

Suited & Booted, originally uploaded by outallnight.

A working man all dressed up and ready to roll.

Andy Kinsman

Andy Kinsman, originally uploaded by Tony Browne.

more excellent stuff from Tony, enjoying an open air festival near Bristol.

h o r n y

h o r n y, originally uploaded by twill27.

and in other signs of summer, the traditional brass band comes out. A truly English scene.


., originally uploaded by sweet distin.

the summer is truly upon us - which means driving rain, obviously. Still, I hope these people can get out and enjoy the few hours of sunshine.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Bargate, by Cicobuff

Az regularly goes to the same spot in Southampton and has met a variety of people, from ehre and abroad, in the same spot. Check out the whole Bargate set, the faces and clothes may change but the background remains he same.

Local Education Photos

Local Education Photos, originally uploaded by Patrick Eden.

excellent - do experiments ever change? is there any relevance in physics? Are these kids showin ginterest in the camera or are they genuinely interested in momentum?

Whatever the answers are, this is a great evrionmental portrait and a good advertisement for schoolkids today.

Adele: Normal and Darkened

very painterly, an excellent study of light and dark using polaroid film. these look like modern oil paintings.

Wonderful diptych, two images tell a powerful story together.


Cherie, originally uploaded by In search of Syd.

lovely well balanced portrait, this beautiful girl has a great glint in her eye, well captured by the photographer.


Danny, originally uploaded by Mr Karanka.

Spending time in the pub with a pint of beer. Any better way of spending time - morning, afternoon or night?


woodturner, originally uploaded by curlsdiva.

I'm a big fan of partial protraits, especially when you don't need to see al of a person for the compelling image to be captured. Rachel does a great job here, the hands show hard work and care being taken over an ancient craft.


Self, originally uploaded by OmMane.

it's hard to capture an essence of self in a portrait, and here Sam does an excellent job, combining a hard expression with a soft vulnarability though the blurred edges.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Customer Service

Blackpool Donkeys 2
Blackpool Donkeys, originally uploaded by fast eddie 42.

Been there, done that. These guys look like they'd like to be anywhere else or doing anything else rather than touting for business at the Great British Seaside.

Eye can see you

Eye can see you, originally uploaded by jimbodownie.

effective close up, dark and deceiving yet honest and insightful.

Mr Lloyd.

Mr Lloyd., originally uploaded by DJ Bass.

Another way to spend the bank holiday - a junior rude boy living large in Margate.

.a day out in st. ives

.a day out in st. ives, originally uploaded by sweet distin.

perfect holiday snaps (check out the others in the set). A bunch of people enjoying the bracing May weather in Cornwall. May they long continue to do so.


A R E S T, originally uploaded by D I C K S D A I L Y.

The British Museum, interesting lights and artefacts, and interesting shapes to be seen, formed by real people and models too.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Open, originally uploaded by

Brilliant, possibly embarassing being caught in the act of eating junk food.

Elated Terraces

Elated Terraces, originally uploaded by Tony Browne.

The elation of promotion - in this case, Bristol Rovers' victory in the Division 2 playoffs.

These guys look pretty pleased about it.