terrific low-fi, low light, black and white portrait. I love environmental portraiture, maybe it's because I can be nosy? Photography as a vision into other pople's existences.
Britain in 2007. A Portrait a Day from photographers around the country
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sharp yet soft, strong yet tender, I chose this portrait to compliment the one before, of a young man slightly further on in that transition to manhood.
Such an intense gaze.
another wonderful portrait from Vicky.
Many people spend so much time taking photos of their kids as babies, the strength f this portrait is capturing boyhood on the cusp of manhood.
A good contact
lloyd has a wonderful eye for composition, and a wonderful eye for light.
Whilst this blog is primarily about consensual portraits, is the price of a loud phone conversation on the train photographic privacy?
Photographic Rules say don't use a wide angle lens for a portrait in case you over exaggerate certain protuberances.
Well rules are made to be broken aren't they?
Like some operatic melodrama being acted out in the car park. There's some kind of story going on - what do you reckon it is?
Monday, February 19, 2007
she wore a flower in her hair
a stunning portrait, dreamy and creamy at the same time.
Sharpness and focus is so overrated.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wonderful work from Andy.
What I love about this portrait is, despite the fac tthat it i colour, it seems almost black and white. The choice of the red accessories adds a sharpness and another level of interest to the photo.
valentine's message
And now for something completely different, precocious youth at play with wonderfully strong images.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
My favourite piece so far. a 21st Century take on the Old Masters.
The light, her skin, her eyes, are so wonderful.
Friday, February 09, 2007
The other end of the scale - Is this how most people take photos nowadays? A whole new era of photography.
There's a fantastic set of photos by batut of people using a variety of cameras.
This one is the Rolls-Royce of cameras, a Hasselblad.
Not an everyday occurence
or is it? Are there people around the country playing pianos in the streets? or is it just in York?
Please let me know... sarah@sarahgalasko.com
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Eye on the camera
Wonderful slices of British life. What I'm really enjoying about this project is seeing people across the country, and getting a real sense of what Britain is. This epitomises it for me.
Friday, February 02, 2007
snowy swim #2
I couldn't resist blogging this one - as a compliment to the other snow day photo. Kevin says he's hardcore, swimming in the dark on a snowy beach, and I certainly believe him!
Eighty one
This wonderful portrait shows such love, between both sitter and photographer. This lady is so beautiful and carries such dignity into her later life. We should all aspire to a life like that.
Face of the ages. It looks like this man's face shows every step he's alked, everything he's seen in his life.
I know I blog Vicky's shots seemingly every week, and they seem to get better and better. People of Wiltshire, watch out, she's now asking nearly everyone she comes across to take their photo and this is Bernard the gas man.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Why don't you take our picture?
Great way of getting a great shot. Fab envirnmental portrait, a reflection of almost every High Street in Britain in 2007? This sums up Britain today to me.
Blog Archive
- lomo loveliness
- Lean
- .j
- A good contact
- Turry
- 0403
- she wore a flower in her hair
- Nadine
- valentine's message
- .
- Look
- Saturday morning
- .debbie
- carly
- carmen
- Not an everyday occurence
- Just for the sheer fun of it
- Lord Harby
- Eye on the camera
- same again
- snowy swim #2
- Eighty one
- Open
- .bernard
- 0307
- Why don't you take our picture?